What about Sam?

I enjoy talking! I'm not particular about who I talk with most of the time. I just enjoy it. I need to exhaust the 2400 words, I've read, that woman usually speak daily. In short....I love to chat. I live in a small town, so it's difficult for me to find people who are willing to listen to that many words. I hope you enjoy what I share of my life, my view and photos. I love feedback, so please email me. A one way conversation can be unstimulating.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tinker Bell's Blog

"Mommy....I will always love you. Please don't ever make me leave home and get my own apartment."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Photos from our Christmas this year.

Coming down from the Christmas Tree

This is the time of year where I usually get the blues. The holidays are over and I feel like my joy gets pack along with the Christmas tree in a box. Of course, I realize I cannot stay in an emotional slump for another whole year. Every year it's the same story. I feel like I'm running away from a big bad bear in the forest, and I run up the nearest tree for self preservation. The tree being my Christmas tree and the bad bear is the post holiday blues. I always want to keep my tree up in order to prolong the holiday spirit that is so magical. Over the years, I have found that it helps to put the decorations away before the end of the year, so I'm forced to accept the reality of the holiday's end. We really are tied emotionally to "things". Once I put the boxes in the attic, I can begin the mourning process. That is where I have been stuck for over a month.
Finally, yesterday the sunshine arrived. I opened up all the windows in my home and it felt like springtime. Of course, it's only February, but it was just the thing I needed. It was like drinking a tall glass of water after a long workout. Just when I felt I wanted to move to a state that has sunshine all year....the sun came out. What a relief! I think I can get through this one more year. At least I'm getting better at recooperating, along with God's help in sending sunshine my way. He always seems to know just what I need.